About me

My full time job: CEO of Interskale Digital Marketing and Consulting

Consumer Internet entrepreneur and marketing professional with a decade long experience in FMCG (cigarettes, household hygiene, newspaper) , a decade and a half in the Internet industry (consumer Internet, social networking, digital marketing) among others categories (education, chemicals, oil & gas), in India and in the U.S.

Mid of 2010, I set up Interskale Digital Marketing and Consulting. Interskale’s endeavour is to be a best-in-class digital marketing firm.Rohit Varma

As Chief Marketing Officer and it’s first marketing head, helped  build brand Rediff.com through the dotcom years 1999-2005. Co-founded social networking start-up Yo4Ya.com in 2006. In 2007, I set up an in-house digital marketing business for education company Aptech which gained great success, we  contributing significantly to the company’s top line.

Valuable FMCG experience and training by multinational British American Tobacco at VST Industries Limited in mid 90s. Launched German MNC Hoechst India’s first-ever household hygiene business under brand-name Hexit in the early 90s.

My interest in marketing dates back to my MBA days at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.

I live in Mumbai. The family comprises daughter Anisha, son Rahul & better half Payal.

You can learn more about me – at Linked In- here .

You can learn more about my company Interskale here .

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Email me at rohit [at] interskaledotin.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Chandu September 7, 2009 at 10:36 am

Good post Rohit – the one on affluent Indians- i saw it in the papers and had similar queries. Yours are more comprehensive and relevant.


rohit September 8, 2009 at 8:44 pm

Chandu, thanks, keep reading Marketer’s Kaleidoscope !


Uday September 9, 2009 at 5:33 am

Good post Rohit. Interesting criteria for determining affluence. Most interesting one is about home theater AND modular kitchen! Wonder why the AND condition.


rohit September 12, 2009 at 8:33 pm

Hi Uday, no idea why they combined home theatre and modular kitchen ! One can only hope it’s not an error in reporting..


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