Talk at IIT Bombay : Internet, a perspective & it’s impact on books and print

by rohit on November 4, 2009

Last week I spoke to a Master’s in Design class at IIT Bombay’s Industrial Design Centre. I was invited to give students a big picture view on where we are today with regards to the Internet and,further, reflect on it’s impact on books, print and other media.

This guest talk was part of a Print & Reproduction techniques  course.

Here’s the presentation :The Evolution of the Internet and It’s Impact on Print and Other Media_IDC_IIT Bombay_Oct 29, ’09

If you face a problem viewing the above, you can go here.

IDC is one of the handful of ‘genuine’ design Institutes in the country, well-known for it’s MDes program.

I came away with the impression that IIT Bombay boasts an excellent broadband infrastructure. The students I spoke to said they were into ‘video albums’ (haven’t heard of this before).

There are a few other presentations and documents that  I have online. You can see them here.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Vinaytosh November 4, 2009 at 12:12 pm

Even in this era of digital media some institutes block social media sites and video hosting sites at their premises.


rohit November 4, 2009 at 4:31 pm


Video could be bandwidth related, bandwidth costs still tend to be high in India, also capacity gets choked soon due to high usage. Social media is a different matter, should not happen at colleges / Institutes, in some offices though this is considered a time waster !


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